British Columbia Birds

Beginning this month, all news regarding our BCFO journal, British Columbia Birds, including recent In press articles, can be found under “BRITISH COLUMBIA BIRDS:” just beneath “RECENT POSTS” in the right-hand column of this page. A new, In press article by Art Martell, has just been posted there.

British Columbia Birds – New location

British Columbia Birds now has its own web site: It is also accessible from the Publications menu on the BCFO web site.

All past journal articles, with the exception of the current issue and In press articles—available to BCFO members only—are now accessible to everyone as open access articles in PDF format. Articles from all journal issues are also searchable by author, species, or other keywords.

Special thanks to Les Gyug, who added the title, abstract, authors, and keywords to the properties of the PDF file for every article since publication began in 1991, and to Art and Sue Martell, who prepared abstracts and keywords for journal articles from the first four issues of the journal where those attributes were lacking.

These additions should improve the relevance of the British Columbia Birds web site to search engines and thus improve the accessibility of the articles to web searches.


British Columbia Birds – In Press article

The following In press papers from British Columbia Birds are now available on the BCFO Member’s area of the web site:

Sealy, S.G. 2016. The Reverend John H. Keen’s observations of birds and unpublished list from the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii), British Columbia, 1890–1899.

Sealy, S.G. 2016. Significance of the bird specimens collected by the Reverend John H. Keen on the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii) and at Metlakatla, British Columbia, 1890–1914.