British Columbia Field Ornithologists – Bird Records Committee
The BRC welcomes Rare Bird Reports from all observers. Membership in BCFO is not a requirement for submissions to the committee. The Bird Records Committee is operated as a service to all British Columbia birders, ornithologists, and members of the public.
– Rare Bird Report Form –
To submit a rare bird report to the Bird Records Committee please complete the form below, and click the submit button at the bottom of the form.
If you have photographs, video, sound recordings, or other media, please send them as separate files via email to the chair of the committee.
Electronic submissions are preferred.
An MS Word version of the above form may be downloaded below.
BCFO-BRC Rare-bird-report-form3
Mailed documentation should be sent to:
Joachim Bertrands
British Columbia Field Ornithologists
P.O. Box 96135
4590 Fraser St
Vancouver BC
V5V 4G0
Page last updated 01 April 2023
Pingback: Bird Records Committee – October 2017 Accepted Records, Rounds 15, 16 and 17 | British Columbia Field Ornithologists
Pingback: Bird Records Committee – November/December 2017 Accepted Records, Rounds 18, 19, 20, & 21 | British Columbia Field Ornithologists
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