Upcoming Events


The following meetings and other events are those that take place in BC and immediately adjacent areas or that potentially include information on birds that occur in BC.

NOTE: Please be sure to check event websites before you plan to attend or register for any events..

For most meetings, festivals and other events, the website is the main source of information, and registration can usually be accomplished online as well. Wherever information can be obtained through a phone number or e-mail address, we have included these as well; if no contact information is listed, it can be assumed that none was provided by the organization, at least not on the date when this listing was compiled. It is usually not necessary to contact a particular individual, except for scientific meetings when one is interested in making a presentation. Names and contact information for individuals are listed whenever they are available.

For a detailed listing of birding festivals all over North America, please check the Cornell “All About Birds” website at this URL: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/birding-festivals .

January 6-9 —  ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WATERBIRD SOCIETY. Joint meeting with the PACIFIC SEABIRD GROUP in San Jose, Costa Rica. For details, check the society website at https://waterbirds.org/annual-meeting .

March 14-16 — WINGS OVER WATER NORTHWEST BIRDING FESTIVAL, Blaine, Washington. For information, please visit the website at https://www.wingsoverwaterbirdingfestival.com/ .

March 22-Sept 27 — WESTPORT SEABIRDS pelagic birding trips  from Westport, WA.
Westport Seabirds operates trip from March through September. For the trip schedule and other information, please check the website at http://westportseabirds.com .

April 4-7 — BRANT WILDLIFE FESTIVAL, Parksville. For information, please visit the website at https://brantfestival.bc.ca/ .

April 10-13 — OLYMPIC BIRDFEST, Washington. For information, please visit the Olympic BirdFest website at https://olympicbirdfest.org/ .

April 25-27 — GRAYS HARBOUR SHOREBIRD & NATURE FESTIVAL, Washington. For information, please visit the website at http://www.shorebirdfestival.com/.

May 5-11 — WINGS OVER THE ROCKIES NATURE FESTIVAL, Invermere. For information, please visit the website at https://wingsovertherockies.org/ .

May 9-12 — CRESTON VALLEY BIRD FESTIVAL, Creston. For information, please visit the Creston BirdFest website at https://wildsight.ca/branches/creston-valley/birdfest/ .

May 9-25 — GREATER VANCOUVER BIRD CELEBRATION, Vancouver. For information, please visit the website at https://vancouverbirdcelebration.ca/ .

May 15-19 — MEADOWLARK NATURE FESTIVAL, Penticton. For information, please visit the website at https://meadowlarkfestival.ca/ .

May 16-17 — WINGS OVER WHIDBEY FESTIVAL, Washington. For information, please visit the website at https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/event/wings-over-whidbey-festival/ .

May 22-25 — BC NATURE Annual General Meeting, hosted by Nicola Naturalists, Merritt, BC. For information, please visit the website at https://bcnature.org/agm-2025-your-hosts-nicola-naturalists/

May TBA — VICTORIA BIRD WEEK, Victoria. For information, please visit the website at https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/event/victoria-bird-week/ .

May 31-June 1 — PUGET SOUND BIRD FESTIVAL, Edmonds, WA. For information and to register, check the festival website at http://www.pugetsoundbirdfest.com or contact Jennifer Leach at the City of Edmonds Parks Dept. (phone 425-771-0227), or email her at jennifer.leach@edmondswa.gov .

May 28-July 7 — NORTH AMERICAN BREEDING BIRD SURVEY. This long-established program, supervised by the Canadian Wildlife Service and US Fish & Wildlife Service, is for experienced birders who are skilled at identifying birds by songs and calls as well as by sight. It involves running a roadside survey route once every year during June or very early July. There are several “vacant” (i.e., unassigned) routes in various parts of BC. If you are interested, check the Canadian Wildlife Service website at https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/bird-surveys/landbird/north-american-breeding/overview.html, which includes further details and has contact information for the CWS staff in charge of the program.

June 5-8 — Annual conference of WASHINGTON ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Yakima Valley, WA. For information and to register, please visit the WOS website at https://wos.org/annual-conference/current-year .

June 5-8 — Annual WESTERN FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS conference, teaming up with the Annual conference of WASHINGTON ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Yakima Valley, WA. For information, please visit the WFO website at
https://westernfieldornithologists.org/conference .

June 13-15 — BC FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING in Dawson Creek, BC. For details, visit our website at https://bcfo.ca/2025-conference-agm/ Membership with BCFO is required.

July TBA — Annual meeting of the WILSON ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY at Peoria. Illinois. For information, please check the society website at https://afoscowos2024.org/ .

August 11-15 — Annual meeting of the AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY in St Louis, Missouri. For details, please check the AOS website at: https://americanornithology.org/meetings/annual-meeting/ .

Sep. TBA —Annual meeting of the WESTERN BIRD BANDING ASSOCIATION . For information and to register, please visit the WBBA website at https://www.westernbirdbanding.org .

Oct.  TBA — BIRDS AND BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL, Ridgefield NWR, Ridgefield, WA (near Vancouver, WA). For information, visit the Friends of Ridgefield website at https://ridgefieldfriends.org/birdfest-bluegrass

Oct. 5-9 — Annual conference of THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY, the professional society for wildlife biologists, to be held in Edmonton, Alberta. For information, please check the conference website at

Oct. 14-18 — RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION annual conference , San Jose, Costa Rica. For further information, visit the Foundation’s website at https://raptorresearchfoundation.org/events/current-conference .

Oct. TBA — TRUMPETER SWAN SOCIETY conference. For information and to register, please visit the Society website at https://www.trumpeterswansociety.org/what-we-do/symposium-conference

Dec. 14, 2025 to Jan. 5, 2026 — CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNTS. For information on dates of counts and contact information for count organizers, please check the BCFO website in November and December, or check the December issue of BC BIRDING.


.Page updated 4 Jan 2025