Donate to BCFO

Your support for BCFO and its activities in British Columbia is much appreciated.

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Donations to BCFO help fund our program of Research Grants that supply financial assistance for bird surveys and other ornithological research in British Columbia.

We fund and provide support to citizen science projects such as the British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas, a project of Bird Studies Canada.

We also provide in-kind support of a wide range of other citizen science projects including the Christmas Bird Count, the Coastal Waterbird Survey, and the Breeding Bird Survey.

BCFO also operates the Provincial Bird Records Committee.

Young ornithologists are encouraged into the ranks of amateur ornithologists through the BCFO BC Young Birder Award.

Donations made on-line are directed through CanadaHelps, a registered charity that facilitates fundraising for NGOs like BCFO, and issues tax receipts for the full amount of your donation.

Click here to find out more about CanadaHelps.

You may of course also donate by mailing a personal cheque to:

British Columbia Field Ornithologists

PO Box 96135
4590 Fraser St
Vancouver, BC
V5V 4G0