Note: Rare bird reports and submissions, along with documentation and with photographs where available, are circulated to all committee members for written response in advance. During the subsequent conference call, and after all written responses have been circulated, each submission is discussed in detail. Recommendations are made by consensus.
A total of 10 submissions involving 8 species were discussed by the BRC during its March 2015 conference call.
A full account of all the decisions made by the committee, including records not accepted, will be published in an upcoming issue of our journal British Columbia Birds.
The following species were accepted to the Main Provincial List:
ASH-TROATED FLYCATCHER (Mackenzie Nature Observatory Banding Station – 28 August 2008)
BCBRC#2015–012 Ken Burton, James Bradley
BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER (Beacon Hill Park, Victoria – 01-04 November 2014)
BCBRC#2015–013 Ian Cruickshank
CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR (Cattle Point, Oak Bay – 24-25 October 2013)
BCBRC#2015–014 Aziza Cooper
ICELAND GULL (Esquimalt Lagoon – 18 December 2010 to 26 March 2011)
BCBRC#2015–015 Val George
Additional, high quality photos of the Iceland Gull are found here:
DICKCISSEL (Swanwick Road, Metchosin – 02 October 2013)
BCBRC#2015–016 Ian Cruickshank
LESSER SAND-PLOVER (Boundary Bay, 104th to 112th Street, Delta – 12-17 July 2007)
BCBRC#2015–017 Carlo Giovanella
RED-THROATED PIPIT (Martindale Flats, Saanich – 09-11 May 2010)
BCBRC#2015–018 Mike Bentley
RED-THROATED PIPIT (Rocky Point Bird Observatory – 08 October 2013)
BCBRC#2015–019 Ian Cruickshank
SNOWY PLOVER (Wickanninish Beach, Tofino – 18 December 2014)
BCBRC#2015–021 Robin Kite