BCFO offers the Young Birder Award, inaugurated in 2014, which is given to outstanding youth birders, aged 11 to 18, in recognition of their accomplishments, contributions, and engagement with birds and birding in the province. The award welcomes these talented young birders into the birding community. Nominations are sought annually for qualified young birders.
Each recipient of a Young Birder Award receives a plaque, a stylish BCFO ballcap, and free BCFO membership (online access) until their 19th birthday; and additional benefits when available.
To be selected for a Young Birder Award, recipients must meet all of the following criteria:
• Be at least 11 years of age, and no more than 18 years of age as of January 1st of the year of the Award.
• Have demonstrated exceptional observational and birding skills well beyond the “novice” level.
• Have made significant contribution to activities in the birding community such as: posting to list-serves, entering data to eBird, or participating in local surveys, bird counts, bird banding, and field trips.
• Be nominated by a BCFO member who has knowledge of the candidate, their birding skills, and their contributions to the birding community.
Note: To support the engagement of members from around the province, the nominator will preferably be a BCFO member from the young birder’s local community. When the nominator is from outside the local community, BCFO will attempt to solicit a local supporter or seconder for the nomination. We recommend that nominations specifically address how the young birder meets the criteria outlined above.
Contact Us
Please use the form below for nominations or for more information:
The Young Birder Program, the in-the-field component of offerings for youth, was designed and led by Melissa Hafting who started organizing field trips for young birders in 2014. From 2016-2020 the Young Birder Program was adopted as an official program of BCFO, which provided financial support, and assistance from BCFO members.