
BC Field Ornithologists publishes a quarterly newsletter – BC Birding  ; and a Journal – British Columbia Birds.

BCFO has also published a Checklist of British Columbia Birds – 28-page pdf can be downloaded here. A preview of the content is available here.

BC Birding

BC Birding is published quarterly and includes news items, birding site guides for British Columbia, notices of meetings and events, articles on members’ birding experiences, listing totals, etc. For a sample of the newsmagazine, go to the back issues page.

Enquiries should be directed to the editor, Clive Keen, at

British Columbia Birds

British Columbia Birds is the British Columbia (B.C.) journal of record for reporting rarities or range expansions, the general status of species, avian ecology and behaviour. It publishes new observations on birds, or even a single bird. Suitable topics include distribution, abundance, extralimital occurrence or range expansion, reviews of status, banding, identification, plumage variation, moult, behaviour, feeding, breeding, habitat, ecological relationships, reviews, or history and biography of ornithology.

British Columbia Birds welcomes submissions of original manuscripts of any length, on wild birds of B.C. Studies from neighbouring areas will also be considered for publication if birds found in B.C. are discussed in the manuscript.

Manuscripts summarizing field research are highly desirable. Annotated lists based on detailed study of an area could be a useful publication, although records from brief visits are more suitable for the BCFO newsletter, B.C. BIRDING. Papers based on laboratory research (e.g. physiology) are not suitable for the journal unless authors demonstrate strong links to avian behaviour or ecology. Advocacy articles will not be considered.

Papers and notes in British Columbia Birds count as refereed (peer-reviewed) articles in the scientific literature; manuscripts are reviewed by the editor, at least two qualified persons, at least one of whom is a member of the Editorial Board. The editor will assist new authors in achieving a suitable format. The journal is in its 24th year and volume (as of 2014). It is archived in the National Library of Canada Serials Records Section, Canadian Museum of Nature, Royal Ontario Museum, Van Tyne Memorial Library of Wilson Ornithological Society (Michigan), and the larger university and public libraries in B.C. Articles are abstracted in “Zoological Record” and online in “Ornithological Worldwide Literature”. Papers will be available on this website after peer review and acceptance. This print version of the journal is published at least annually.

Submissions should follow the style and format of recent papers. Details are given in British Columbia Birds-Styleguide” (pdf) which can also be accessed in Volume 24 of British Columbia Birds, or obtained directly from the editor.

Submissions and enquiries should be directed to the editor:

Nathan Hentze
Editor, British Columbia Birds
697 Coleos Place
Victoria, BC
V8Z 6G8
Email: editor.bcbirds AT (replace AT with @; no spaces)
