Apologies for the unavoidably delayed announcement regarding this year’s post-AGM Extension Field Trip.
We are very pleased to announce that Dave Aldcroft, well known birder, marvellous field trip leader, and Vancouver Islander will lead a Vancouver Island tour that will visit a wide range of habitats and birding hotspots in the lower half of the Island.
Shorelines from Sooke, via Jordan River to Botanical Beach will be birded before the tour heads across Island via Duncan to explore inland and coastal wetlands, and estuaries and shorelines.
Expect at least one seawatch for seabirds, and a search for the newly re-introduced Western Bluebirds on the east coast of the Island.
A full itinerary will published here on Tuesday, or earlier if we can manage to do so.
Get your registrations in as soon as possible. The AGM has a great program, and the Extension Trip will be a fine addition of even more exciting Vancouver Island birding.