New Checklist of British Columbia Birds now published

As many readers already know, we now have a new BCFO Checklist of British Columbia Birds (August 2018). The checklist’s publication coincided with the 27th International Ornithological Congress just held in Vancouver August 19 – 26th. Each delegate to the conference received a special commemorative edition of the checklist included in their registration package.

The checklist is the result of the concerted efforts of many people, but our particular thanks should be extended to the members of the BCFO Bird Records Committee, and committee chair Nathan Hentze.

BCFO is now pleased to announce the general availability of the new checklist.


BCFO members will receive their copies, at no cost, by mail shortly.

We are now accepting orders, in increments of 50 copies, @ $2.00 per copy plus shipping for the twenty-four page, stapled booklet.

Please enter your order in the Leave a Reply box below and include your name, address, delivery location, and an email contact address for us to follow up with payment requirements and advice on shipping costs.

We anticipate receiving orders from businesses, nature clubs, NGO’s, other organizations, and perhaps individuals who will act as local distribution contacts in more under-serviced areas of the province.

We are doing our best to make the checklist available as widely as possible, but at this time, we are unable to fill individual orders, or supply the checklists in smaller batches.

However, the checklist is available for immediate download here, albeit not in the handy stapled booklet form of the printed copy.

For those outside the Lower Mainland, Wild Birds Unlimited will, on request, include a checklist with orders which it ships to customers.

For Lower Mainlanders, copies of the checklist will be available at the Reifel bookstore, and in the two Wild Birds Unlimited stores in Vancouver and North Vancouver.

Below are sample pages to illustrate the organization and set up of the checklist.

Sample checklist page.

2 thoughts on “New Checklist of British Columbia Birds now published

  1. The checklist is great kudos to Nathan and the BCFO Bird Records Committee, Larry Cowan, George Clulow and Art Martell for all their hard work making it.

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