Zoom presentation Wednesday, 15th november 2023

Reminder for BCFO members: The next in our very popular series of birding presentations will take place on Wednesday, November 15th. Please join John Elliott for a presentation on American Dippers.
Dr. John Elliott is a research scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada at the Pacific Wildlife Research Centre, Delta, B.C. As an adjunct professor at both the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, he does much of his research with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, including the work on dippers.
His presentation will cover dipper biology, early studies in the Chilliwack watershed, and some later work including run-of-the-river hydro and coal mining.
More details on the Zoom series are linked below.
For overview of series: <https://bcfo.ca/zoom-presentations-schedule/>
For event details and descriptions: <https://bcfo.ca/upcoming-zoom-presentations-topics-dates-presenters-details/>
For BCFO Members, the invitation and Zoom link to register for this presentation will be coming soon to your email inbox. Look out for it!