Travels in the Great Basin of West/Central USA

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Presenter: Lee Harding

Forster’s Tern. Photo: Lee Harding

Join Lee Harding who will share his travels in the Great Basin of west/central US. The Great Basin is the dry, intermountain plateau between the Cascade Range and the Rocky Mountains comprising parts of Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, and Utah. Lee will present the results of several birding trips to the north-western part of the Great Basin during 2015–2019. He will discuss the birds, their habitats in several national wildlife refuges and birding stops along the way.

Short-eared Owl, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge. Photo: Lee Harding

Lee Harding grew up in the Great Basin. He has a BSc in Wildlife Management from Humboldt State University (California) and a PhD in Wildlife Toxicology from Gifu University (Japan). He consulted in wildlife ecology in the Arctic for five years, was an Environment Canada biologist and program manager for 21 years and, after taking early retirement from the Canadian Wildlife Service, was an environmental consultant for another 20 years.

Sage grouse, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge. Photo: Lee Harding
