Princeton May 31–June 1, 2018
Thursday morning: Kettle Valley Rail-way Trail. Walk by the Tulameen River to the hoodoos for grassland, riparian, and forest species, including Harlequin Duck, Lazuli Bunting and Black-headed Grosbeak.
Bag lunch (items available at Thomasina’s, Save-on-Foods, Subway, and Chevron station).
Thursday afternoon: Swan Lake Sanctuary hiking trails – 57 hectares of grassland and riparian habitat. Birds include Pied-billed Grebe, Ruddy Duck, Western Meadowlark, rails.
Tally-up at The Vermilion Fork, 157 Vermilion Ave. (250-295-7711).
Friday morning: Lake tour, which could include Separation Lakes, August Lake, and Ferguson’s Pond. Species expected include waterfowl, swallows, Mountain Bluebird and Western Blue-bird. Bag Lunch, or restaurant of your choice.
Friday afternoon: Drive to Hope (95 minutes direct), with birding stops en route. Manning Park is 45 minutes from Hope.
The guides have recommended the following for overall convenience:
Canada’s Best Value Inn & Suites, 169 Hwy 3, Princeton. 250-295-3537.
RV/Camping options:
• Rivers Edge RV Park, 305 Sanderson Way, Princeton. 250-295-6568.
• Princeton RV Campground, 365 Hwy 3, Princeton. 250-295-7355.
Registration: Adrian Leather, 250-249-5561, q-birds(at)xplornet(dot)com
Trip Leaders: Ed & Cathy Lahaie.
Maximum Participants: 30 (2 x 15)
Local Organizers
Vermilion Forks Field Naturalists – see <>
How the Trips Work
BCFO two-day field trips are member-led, but participants make their own arrangements for accommodation, food, and travel.
• Day 1: all-day birding and then evening get-together at a restaurant to recap the day and tally species.
• Day 2: morning birding, afternoon optional birding.
Carpooling is encouraged and will be arranged on the morning of Day 1.
Register at least two weeks in advance. The leader will give specific details of when and where to meet.
Cost: Members $10 per person; non-members $40, which includes BCFO membership.
Ideas for future two-day trips are always welcome.
Contact Adrian Leather at q-birds(at)xplornet(dot)com