Gulls of Southern Vancouver Island

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Presenter: Andrew Jacobs

Western Gull: photo by Andrew Jacobs

Join Victoria based gull enthusiast Andrew Jacobs who will be giving a talk on the gulls that regularly occur in southwestern British Columbia and how to identify them. Covering the basics of gull age, bill shape and plumage variation, he will also be covering the extensive Glaucous-winged Gull hybrid complex, what that means, and why it is an important factor to think about with our large gulls. Both adult and immature plumages will be covered as well as the common hybrids of the region and he will finish with an overview of some available resources.

Andrew is a UVic Biology student and volunteer at Rocky Point Bird Observatory’s Seawatch and banding stations, and worked with Laskeek Bay Conservation Society last spring (2022) on seabird monitoring in Haida Gwaii.

Glaucous-winged Gull chick: photo by Andrew Jacobs
