2013 Sidney AGM Field Trip Species Lists
Species lists for each field trip have been compiled along with a combined list of species seen over the the whole weekend.
Click on the lists below to read and/or download your own copies.
Saanich Peninsula species list
Field Trip Details and Speakers for the 2013, Sidney AGM
Banquet Speaker
Dr. Sean Boyd, Research Scientist, Environment Canada; and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, will share his research on the connectivity between the Salish Sea and breeding areas for a number of different species that were tagged with satellite radios.
Field Trips
Trip will be run Saturday and Sunday mornings. A fourth field trip will be added, if the number of conference registrants warrants it.
Trip 1 – Saanich Peninsula – Airport, Newton Heights, Martindale Flats, Island View Beach
This trip will start at the Victoria airport for Sky Larks, possible raptors and water birds on Patricia Bay. We will proceed to the Newton Heights area and have an easy walk (2km) on the road on the south side of Mount Newton looking for warblers, flycatchers and other spring migrants in this area of mixed forest and large rural lots. The trip will proceed to the Martindale/Island View area to look in the open agricultural land then stop at the shoreline of Island View Regional Park for shorebirds and other saltwater birds. We will walk a short distance along the trail at the edge of Island View Beach and return to Sidney along Lochside Drive with possible stops along the waterfront if time permits. Birds to look for on this trip will be Sky Lark, American Kestrel, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Cassin’s and Hutton’s Vireo, California Quail and Rhinoceros Auklet.
Trip 2 – Victoria East – Elk Lake Regional Park, Swan Lake, Victoria Waterfront
We will head south toward Victoria and stop in the mixed habitat at Elk Lake Regional Park along the Pat Bay Highway. This is a very good area for a variety of spring migrants and local resident species. This location has had sightings of Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Brewer’s Sparrow and Blackpoll Warbler in the past. We will take a one kilometre walk through the forest and along the lake before heading to Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary for birds on the lake and in the very productive woodland area around the nature house. We will finish at the Victoria waterfront, first to Ogden Point and then to Clover Point. The trip will involve a short walk on Ogden Point breakwater which offers good view over the ocean for alcids. We will drive to Clover Point that juts out from the waterfront and look for gulls and shorebirds. Return to Sidney via the Pat Bay Hwy. Birds to look for on this trip will be Black-headed Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow, Virginia Rail, Wandering Tattler, Brandt’s Cormorant and Rhinoceros Auklet.
Field Trip 3 – Victoria West – Francis King Park & adjacent power lines, Panama Flats
We will start at Francis King Regional Park for a short walk through the mixed woodlands near the nature house then move a short distance away for a 2 km hike along an open area near the Pike Lake hydro site. This area is excellent for migrant passerines and resident songbirds. We will then head to Panama Flats located in a former farm valley which, because of berms constructed by a former owner, has created excellent habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl. This area was excellent for water birds in 2012 with sightings of Snowy Egret and Black-necked Stilt. The area is also surrounded by shrubbery providing habitat for woodland birds. The return drive will be along the peninsula waterfront if time permits. Birds to look for on this trip will be House Wren, Cassin’s Vireo, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher and the swallows and shorebirds at Panama Flats.
Extension Trip
Details are being finalized, and complete information will be published here the week of April 14th.
Saturday Afternoon Speakers
Stacey Hrushowy, Executive Director of the Rocky Point Bird Observatory
Eyes on the Skies: The Citizen Science That Drives Bird Monitoring and Research at Rocky Point Bird Observatory.
Julia Daly, Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team
Reintroducing the Western Bluebird as a breeding species to the east coast of Vancouver Island .
David Manning
Nesting Turkey Vultures and Peregrine Falcons on Pender Island and the Saanich Peninsula.
Click here for the Conference Registration Form and Waiver
Announcing BCFO’s 2013 Annual Conference – Sidney, BC
May 10, 11, and 12
Sky Lark (European) photo courtesy Chris Thomas – http://Birds.Ceeege.Com/
BCFO will be holding its 23rd Annual General Meeting on Southern Vancouver Island. We will be based in Sidney where all conference events will be held at the Mary Winspear Centre.
Lots of good birding locations are within easy driving distances, and the local naturalists are already planning a full complement of great trips. The possibilities for the extension trip are many, and planning is underway for that too.
As more details are confirmed, they will be published here, and in BC Birding.
Stay tuned!