Unfortunately, this year’s Extension Trip is now cancelled – insufficient enrollment.
Williams Lake June 3–6, 2018
We will roam the wild west with this extension trip based at Williams Lake in the Central Cariboo. Habitats explored will include agricultural, riparian, and arid mountains all in spectacular scenery along the Fraser and Chilcotin river valleys. Rugged terrain makes carpooling with four-wheel or all-wheel-drive vehicles highly recommended.
Possible Species
Say’s Phoebe, Lazuli Bunting, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Western Meadowlark, Mountain Bluebird, Horned Lark, Western Kingbird, Dusky Grouse, Long-billed Curlew, Ring-necked Pheasant, Prairie Falcon, Golden Eagle, Cassin’s Finch, Bobolink, waterfowl.
Sunday, June 3rd. Meet following BCFO Conference & AGM and depart 1:30 pm. Drive to Williams Lake (4.5 hours direct), stopping for refreshment and birding at Horsting’s Farm, Cache Creek.
Monday, June 4th. Farwell Canyon (bag lunch) followed by an evening search for Common Poorwill and Flammulated Owl.
Tuesday June 5th. Morning: Alkali Lake, Dog Creek Bluffs, Gang Ranch (bag lunch). Afternoon: Gang Ranch, Dog Creek Bluffs, Alkali Lake. Evening: Tally-up at The Point (restaurant), Signal Point Gaming, 1640 Broadway Ave. S., Williams Lake. 250-398-5554.
Wednesday June 6th. Morning: Scout Island, Mission Rd. Bag Lunch or restaurant of your choice.
Maximum Participation: 20 in one group.
Leaders: Adrian Leather & Brian Murland
Fee & Registration: $200 per person.
Suggested Accommodation
• Super 8, 1712 Broadway Ave. S. 250-398-8884
• The Stampede Campground, 250-398-6718, williamslakestampede campground@gmail.com.