August 19-20 , 2023

Leaders – Alan Burger of Logan Lake and Paul Foth of 100 Mile House
Registration – paulrfoth at gmail dot com
Locations and Possible Species
Day 1 will begin on Lindley Creek and Midday Valley roads, where we can expect a mix of interior songbird species and the small chance of a late Williamson’s Sapsucker. Then we will head north through Nicola Valley to bird in the grasslands and aspen parklands of the Douglas Lake area.
Day 2 will be spent hiking in alpine habitat at either Illal Creek or Flatiron Mountain. Target birds include White-tailed Ptarmigan, American Pipit, Gray-crowned Rosy Finch (uncommon), and other alpine bird species.
How the Trips Work:
BCFO two-day field trips are member-led, but participants make their own arrangements for accommodation, food, and travel.
Day 1: all-day birding and then evening get-together at a restaurant to recap the day and tally species.
Day 2: morning birding, afternoon optional birding.
Carpooling is encouraged and will be arranged on the morning of Day 1.
Register at least two weeks in advance. The leader will give specific details of when and where to meet.
Membership in BCFO is required first.: If you are not a member, join or renew here:
Cost: no cost to members; fee to non-members = $30 i.e. cost of BCFO membership.