Cranbrook Conference & Extension – advance information


Photo: George Clulow

We’ve been getting many enquiries from members about registration for the AGM and Extension Trip.

We’re doing things a little differently this year.

Registration will open April 2 for both the Cranbrook Conference and the Southern Alberta Extension. There will be two Extension Trips offered, one before the AGM and one afterwards. Both trips are identical; the post-conference simply reverses the route of the pre-conference trip.

Full details will be published here in mid-March to coincide with the publication of the March issue of BC Birding, which will also contain all the details.

However, you can book your Cranbrook area accommodation now. Listed accommodations are offering conference rates.



4 thoughts on “Cranbrook Conference & Extension – advance information

  1. Thank you for the Conference information. Are the rates you are quoting the conference rates? Thanks, Graham

    • There will be a post here on April 2 to announce that registrations are open, along with a link to the relevant page (AGM/Extension payments). However, the March issue of BC Birding is about to be published. It contains complete registration information. That same information will be duplicated here on the website under the EVENTS tab in the two “in process” pages you can see there. No registrations will be accepted before April 2.

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