Gina Calabrese, Postdoctoral Researcher, is part of a team of biologists at University of Colorado, working on a project studying migration and genetic diversity in Barn Swallows, to better understand their evolution and conservation. The team will be sampling BARS in BC in late May/early June, and are looking for sites between Vancouver and Calgary (Hwy 99 /Transcanada 1), where Barn Swallows regularly nest, and are hoping that BCFO members have information that could help.
Ideally they are looking for barns/sites where swallows are known to build nests, and where the property owner is known so that they could ask permission to sample. If BCFO members have Barn Swallows nesting on their land, or have tips about nesting sites, they would love to hear from you about possible sampling.
Gina Calabrese, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Colorado